And We're Back!

 Hello!  Long time, no see.  I decided to take some time to put my ducks in a row.  

Duping royal fashion has been a hobby of mine since The Princess of Wales, then as the Duchess of Cambridge, wore this little beauty.

That was at the 2017 Chelsea Flower Show and, sigh, that dress is still a top 10 favorite.

At that time, I'd dupe the outfits and save them in my Amazon Wishlist.  And I told no one that this was a hobby I had.  My own husband was surprised.  😁  I guess if you knew me in real life, you'd see what I mean.  I mean, I'm currently in workout clothes that I definitely have not worked out in yet and my bedhead game is strong.  It's fine.  I'm fine.

It wasn't until this year that I decided to start a blog.  And then it snowballed into social media accounts. And then into affilate marketing. And the Queen died (I'm still not over it).  And I had to get my bearings.

Do I have all of my ducks in a row?  No.  Not even close.  I have ducklings and they're at a rave.  But we're going to grow together.  

I missed the hunt for inspired fashion.  And I'm happy to be back.  Let's have some fun!

